What is S-L(Service-Learning)?

Service-Learning(S-L) is a teaching-learning method combining units with local community service with intent to improve learning outcomes, enhance responsibilities as citizens and guide students to be devoted to local communities through engagement in pre-arranged systematic community service activities and self-reflection.

S-L (Service-Learning): Goals

  • Students acquire diverse knowledge and skills relevant to units through service.
  • Students better understand their learning content and improve their academic achievement through the self-reflection on service activities.
  • Students increase sense of citizenship, sense of community and social responsibility.
  • Students contribute to community development by serving communities in need of help.

S-L (Service-Learning) : Features

  • Service-Learning(S-L) improves both learning skills and civil accountability of students.
  • Students engage in service activities for communities in need of help to achieve both goals.
  • Service-Learning(S-L) is counted as a unit, maximizing the educational effects of critical self-reflection on service activities.
  • The reciprocity between service providers (students) and receivers (communities) matters. Both are equal beneficiaries.
  • S-L helps achieve SWU’s educational goals and those of community service.
  • S-L values reciprocity and balance between service and learning.